Transitions With Jean - Columns

Back to School

Do you remember your first day of school? It was so very long ago, but I’ll bet you remember how you felt that day. There was probably a little bit of excitement, a little bit of fear, a little trepidation. Will people like me? Will I make friends? Can’t I just stay...

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To-Don’t List

Every day, I make a to-do list. Honestly, it is because I just can’t remember all the things I need to do. Do you make to-do lists? It wouldn’t surprise me if your answer is yes, because when I meet with my customers, and we talk about planning for their transition,...

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Don’t be a Monkey

Lately, I have been thinking about this older column. I first heard about this story at a Mass at St. Mary’s in Appleton in 2008. It was a sermon told by Fr. Mike O'Rourke. His take on it was a little different because he was talking about things that might keep us...

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Don’t Lose Money to a Fake Mover

Summer is here. That is when most people move and when moving scams are rampant. Scammers love seniors.  Our generation trusts that a handshake is as good as gold. In addition to helping people make life transitions, I am a third-generation professional mover.  Our...

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Swarm Spring Cleaning Day For Mom

May is finally here! Spring is in the air.  Historically, this is the time of year for spring cleaning: that is when we give the house a once-over from top to bottom, shake off winter and let the sunshine in. If your mom is still living in her house, here is a gift...

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Having an advance directive on file is a big deal

You may have heard the term “Advance Directives”. Perhaps you say you don’t really need one. You may ask: “What is the big deal?” Let’s explore.True or false: If something happens to my husband and he can’t make decisions for himself, the doctors will let me choose...

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It happened again this week. I got a call from my son, Mike, who is also my head driver at our moving company. “Mom,” he said in a very exasperated voice, “We unloaded the truck into this customer’s new apartment. The boxes are stacked to the ceiling. There is so much...

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Is It Good For Me?

“Is it good for me?” A while back, my hubby and I were watching a TV show called “The Voice”. One of the stars was Alicia Keys, and she was bantering with Blake Sheldon, one of the other stars; (think of him like the annoying big brother that likes to pester...

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Have You Filled A Bucket Today?

January. Brrrr. Here we are in the month of ice, of cold temperatures, short days with little sunshine, with wind-chill factors, and joy. Yes, I said joy!Wouldn’t you like to get joy in your life? I discovered how to do that when I recently visited a kindergarten...

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Observing during the Holiday Season

It is the holiday season; a time for laughter, for visiting, for reminiscing. If you haven’t seen Mom and Dad for a while, it is also a time for observing. You might intend to fly in on a whirlwind trip, plan all kinds of activities with them, take them out to a show...

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