by jean | Jan 4, 2024 | Uncategorized
Sometimes I feel like I am turning into a jalopy. Yes, that is a word: “An old, dilapidated automobile.” I never really was like a souped-up Camero or even a sleek Jaguar. I was more of a Chevy Trailblazer –like the SUV I had in the ‘90s. It was functional, with...
by jean | Dec 1, 2023 | Uncategorized
This week, I had fun when two of my grandboys helped decorate my house for Christmas; they are 12 and 7 years old. What a treat for me. Hopefully, they thought it was a treat, too. Like many of you, every Christmas decoration in my house has a history. I’ve tried to...
by jean | Oct 31, 2023 | Uncategorized
Veterans: Today’s column is for you and your spouses. This week, I had the pleasure of sitting down with David Holst, one of our County Veterans Service Officers. I asked what he would like to share with veterans. He has two messages for you. Message #1: Seek out your...
by jean | Sep 28, 2023 | Uncategorized
Have you ever heard of the 80-20 Rule? It asserts that 80% of the results come from 20% of the effort. Well, that wasn’t very clear, was it? Let me share some examples to explain better– 80% of the work in an organization is done by 20% of the people: consider your...
by jean | Aug 31, 2023 | Uncategorized
Do you remember your first day of school? It was so very long ago, but I’ll bet you remember how you felt that day. There was probably a little bit of excitement, a little bit of fear, a little trepidation. Will people like me? Will I make friends? Can’t I just stay...
by jean | Aug 10, 2023 | Uncategorized
Every day, I make a to-do list. Honestly, it is because I just can’t remember all the things I need to do. Do you make to-do lists? It wouldn’t surprise me if your answer is yes, because when I meet with my customers, and we talk about planning for their transition,...