Treasures and Memories

“I need help getting rid of all this stuff and the sooner the better!” were the first words Yolanda said when I met her at the door of her half-empty house. She had just moved to a senior apartment, and she needed help clearing out all the things that were left...

Childhood Bedrooms

This month I had a couple of customers tell me about frustrations they are having with their children. In the first case, when their adult kids came to visit over the holidays, the parents wanted them to go through their bedrooms and get rid of some of their stuff....

Just A Jalopy

Sometimes I feel like I am turning into a jalopy. Yes, that is a word: “An old, dilapidated automobile.” I never really was like a souped-up Camero or even a sleek Jaguar. I was more of a Chevy Trailblazer –like the SUV I had in the ‘90s. It was functional, with...

From your heart not your wallet

This week, I had fun when two of my grandboys helped decorate my house for Christmas; they are 12 and 7 years old. What a treat for me.  Hopefully, they thought it was a treat, too. Like many of you, every Christmas decoration in my house has a history.  I’ve tried to...


Veterans: Today’s column is for you and your spouses. This week, I had the pleasure of sitting down with David Holst, one of our County Veterans Service Officers. I asked what he would like to share with veterans. He has two messages for you. Message #1: Seek out your...