Transitions With Jean Blog

Homes for Used Medical Equipment

Aug 30, 2024

Dear Jean,

Our mom recently passed away, and we are left with all kinds of medical things that we want to find a good home for. We have a lift chair, wheelchairs, walkers, depends, even IV poles. Do you know who we can give them to? Surely someone could use them.


First, I am so sorry for your loss. It is kind of you to look for ways to help others.

Yes, our community has the perfect home for everything on your list and more. We have two local Lions Club medical equipment loan lockers. They would really appreciate your donations. They take most used medical equipment in good condition or new items.

The Lions turn around and lend medical equipment to anyone who needs it – free of charge. What a community gift!

Since they are staffed by volunteers from local Lions clubs, it is helpful if you can drop the items off. If you need the items picked up, give them a call and their team of volunteers will head your way.

They take items in, wipe them down, put them on their shelves, then loan them out to those in need. They are staffed by 11 local Lions clubs, as well as anyone who wants to help.

What do they need/lend out? Durable medical equipment like wheelchairs, walkers, hospital beds, toilet risers, crutches, canes, Hoyer lifts, scooters, and blood pressure monitors.

They also need/give away personal care items like adult diapers, women’s pads for urinary leaks, and chucks, which are pads for under people when bedridden or sitting in a chair.

If you aren’t sure if they take something, just ask them. If it is medical, they probably take it.

Cash donations are also accepted and appreciated; that helps them pick up those disposable items that they quickly run short of.

Here are their two locations:

Fox Valley Lions Medical Equipment MJ Tassoul Memorial Loan Locker
312 W. Northland Ave., Appleton. Call 920-585-7072
Open Wednesdays 4:30-6:30 p.m. and Saturdays 9:00-11:00 a.m.

Larsen-Winchester Lions Club Medical Equipment Loan Locker
8348 Trailhead Dr, Larsen. Call 920-427-3244
Open Tuesdays and Saturdays, 9:00-11:00 a.m.

If you are reading this and need any of these items, stop in during their hours. The process is easy. I know because I have been there many times over the years. You answer a few questions, they let you borrow the items as long as you need them (years, even) and then you return the items when you are finished. They will make any necessary repairs.

The Appleton MJ Tassoul Memorial Loan Locker holds a special place in my heart because it is named after Mike Tassoul, who was a good friend of my dad. What a nice way to remember a guy who dedicated so many of his years to his Lions club.

The motto of the Lions is “We Serve”. At the medical equipment loan lockers, it is evident that they truly do care about serving others. Thanks, Lions!

Jean Long Manteufel writes a column each month about life changes associated with aging. Send your questions to or call 920-734-3260.